Department of Humanities & Sciences
Today’s science is tomorrow’s technology
About Us
- The Humanities & Sciences Department equips first-year students with the basics in applied sciences, basic engineering courses and courses in the humanities.
- Subjects such as Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Engineering mathematics, Engineering Mechanics and Communication Skills are an integral part of the engineering curriculum and are the prerequisites for core engineering.
- Communication Skills and Basic Sciences help students to build strong corporate communication, understand social and ethical practices & provides them strong foundation.First year engineering serves as a platform for the future study of technical subjects.


The first-year students Khan Alisha Razzak, C.P Mohammed Bakar ,Shaikh Arshi Fatema, Fateh Mohammed Ali, Shaikh Mohammed Hussain Feroz of Rizvi College of Engineering participated in an intercollegiate competition on 28 February 2024 to celebrate National Science Day wherein they showcased their innovative idea about a project entitled Accident Prevention Using IR Sensors. They secured first position in this competition and got a cash prize amounting Rs 7000/. The same project was also showcased in Prakalp 2.0 at Fr.Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,Bandra (W) in April 2024 and secured the runner up position.
Out of all participating teams, our students were only the students of first year engineering.
Recent Trend in Chemistry
Vitamin C-induced CO2 capture enables high-rate ethylene production in CO2 electroreduction
2 Jan 2024 Nature Communications (Open access online Journal) 15 Edition article number 192 has
published this, it is the work of Jongyoun Kim, Taemin Lee, Minkyoung , Jungsu Eo and others.
As the requirement of energy and continuous fuel supply is concern, we are still struggling, this article shows the way how to prepare carbon-based fuels with the help of Vitamin C, Cu nano wire, CO2 and electric field. The electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) to form value-added fuels and feedstocks is a promising route to achieve carbon neutrality and long-term energy storage.
Breakthrough in Nanorobotics: A New Era in Medicine

July 2, 2024 – Scientists have made an exciting breakthrough in nanorobotics, introducing a new generation of tiny machines that could change the way we treat diseases. These nanorobots are small enough to work inside the human body and perform precise tasks, opening up incredible possibilities in medicine.
What are Nanorobots?
A Report on Induction Program 2020-21
Upcoming Induction Program 2021-22
Events For Freshers

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